1 1. What do you think is the main theme of
“Cupid and Psyche”? Have you ever done anything as challenging as the tasks
that Psyche had to do? Explain.
main theme of “Cupid and Psyche” is love. Love caused Cupid and Psyche do
everything that can make them to live together. For Cupid, he well knew that
his mother did not like Psyche but he still love Psyche. He tried to do
everything for his love although it was against his mother. For example, he
requested the oracle of Apollo help him to live with Psyche. So, the oracle
helped him by tell to Psyche’s parents that her husband was not the mortal and
he was the monster. Finally, by help from the oracle, Cupid could live with his
lover. And another thing that he had done is tried to escape from his mother.
Although he was imprison, he tried to flew away to meet Psyche. Cupid could do
everything because of his love. For Psyche, she had do everything that harder
than Cupid. For example, she tried to find Cupid everywhere even if she knew it
was very hard for mortal girl like her. And she had bravery to go to meet Venus
although she knew that Venus hate her so much. So, when she came and live with
Venus, she ordered Psyche to do the tasks that were hard for her. First, Venus
ordered Psyche to separate different seeds, finally Psyche could do it. Second,
Psyche had to go to the river to find sheep and got the golden fleeces to her.
Again Psyche could do it. The last task, Venus ordered Psyche to go to the
infernal shades to get the box of beauty for her and finally, Psyche could
complete it. Those three tasks that Psyche had to do were very hard for her but
she tried to do it. Psyche never quit because she would like to meet Cupid.
Both Cupid and Psyche could do the tasks that were hard for them because of
their love.
I have done the tasks like
Psyche but it was easier than Psyche. When I studied in high school, I like
English so much therefore I planned to study English in university. The big
problem for me was my mother dislike English, she wanted me to study
Mathematics. She never believed that I can study English well. It made me try
to do everything that can change her mind and allowed me to study English.
First, I participated in English competition and I tried to win the reward. I
studied hard because I wanted to win. Finally, I won the reward and I gave it
to my mother. Second, when I had to do the English examination, I would read
books so hard because I wanted to get high point and finally, I could do it
again. Because I had the attempt and never quit to do everything, my mother
allowed me entrance to study English in university.
I had to do everything that could make my
mother accept the thing that I love the same as Psyche, she tried to do
everything that could make Venus accept her and allowed her to live with
Cupid. The important thing that I use to
overcome everything is the same as Psyche, it calls love.
2. If you have to teach Mattayomsuksa 3
students, which story we learned from our class is the most suitable for them?
What will you teach from this story?
If I have to teach Mattayomsuksa 3
students, I will teach them the story about “A step from heaven” because I
think it’s suitable for them. This story has a lot of considerations for
students in Mattayomsuksa 3. A step from heaven talks about the girl who
emigrated from Korea to America, she called Mi Gook. Her family went to America
to search of better life.
This story talked about the girl who
was growing up and changing herself. Young Ju was the girl from Korea moved to
America. She did not know anything about America and she could not speak
English. She tried to change everything in their life to be American. She did
not tell anything about her family to her friends because fear that her friends
would think her family was weird. Young Ju tried to learn American culture so
her parents feared that she has forgotten her past and her culture.
I will teach students about
changing something in their life. First, about age and maturity, they must
learn the level of life and do something that is their own function that they
can do. And learn what thing they should do and what thing they should avoid.
And second, their culture, it’s good if they do everything like most people do
like the proverb, when in Rome, do as the Roman do. It’s best for them if they
can adapt themselves to live with other people in different city but sometimes,
they do not consider about their culture. They must grow and do something that
suitable for their age and also. Although many things are change, they must
keep their culture and original.
step from heaven is suitable for Mattayomsuksa 3 students because this story
teach them about changing their life from children to adult. And how to adapt
to live with other people but do not lose their old culture.
Examination: 2/2010
- Compare and contrast humans in the four
stories of creation. Are humans in different stories powerful and important?
What are the different purposes of creating humans?
There are the contrary and the comparison
of the four stories of creation. About the contrary, there are two things that
are different. First, powerful and important of the humans. In the first story,
Genesis, humans were not powerful because they were created by God. God could
order them to do everything. And they could not structure or destroy anything.
But humans in the Genesis were important because they had to work in the
garden, they took care of the garden and they were important to increase the
humans in the world. The second story, the Chameleon, humans were powerful
because they could destroy the animals. They made the fire to destroy every
creature in the land of Chameleon that affected the Chameleon leave the land.
In the contrary, humans in this story were not important because they could
help themselves. They could survive because of the Chameleon. The third story,
the Yauemani Yokut Creation. Humans were not powerful and not important because
in this story animals created the world, did not mention to the humans. The
last story, Spider woman creates the Humans. Humans in this story were not
powerful but important. Because they were built by the Spider woman, they could
not born by themselves. But they were very important for the world because they
could multiply their tribe so the humans would increase.
Second, the different purposes of creating
humans. In the Genesis, the story described about the metaphysical, the
sociological, psychological and the important thing was the consciousness. The
story talked about the fruit of wonder tree of the knowledge of good and evil
that man and woman in this story might choose to eat. They might have the
consciousness to consider about the fruit of tree so humans might have the
consciousness to do everything. And the Chameleon Finds, this story mentioned
about the cosmological image and the image of the universe. The story wants the
readers to know about the origin of the universe, sun, moon, stars, animals and
every creature in the world. And the last, the Yauelmani Yokut Creation and the
Spider woman creates the Humans. These two stories described about the social
order and the moral. Both two stories specifically taught the readers about how
to live together in the society. Humans might know about the moral and learn
about the social order because social order has been regarded as of a piece
with the order of nature.
About the comparison, all the authors of the
four stories of creation want to show their culture. Different stories had
different origins. The Genesis had belief about God because the author composed
the story that the world was created by God. Then, the Chameleon Finds, the
story revealed the culture and the career in the area. The humans in this story
were the agriculturist and this society was the agriculture because talked
about the animals and the fish traps. And the Yauelmani Yokut Creation, talked
about the food in this area in the story. The animals in this story used the
telis and pele seeds and the dough to make the land so the readers can assume
that the society in this story eat the telis and pele seeds and the dough. The
last, the Spider woman creates the Humans, the society in this story believed
the Spider. People thought that spider was important for their lives because
the author composed the story that the spider could create the humans.
These four stories have many differences.
Each story has the significantly character and important depend on the culture
and the society of this area. The readers have to learn all of the stories because
these stories reveal the origin of the humans in the world.
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